Remember this glowing mommy & daddy?

Well guess who arrived?! Their little princess. I am not announcing the name since that is the mommy & daddy's joy to do and I am not showing a real 'shot' of the baby yet either or the details of her birth; I am waiting for mom and dad to have the pleasure of those events. But I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to do this birth with them and photograph every little moment.
Live birth photography is something commonly overlooked by parents who are busy decorating a nursery, writing a birth plan and stocking up on diapers. But its truly an important investment. How else can you capture the magical first moments together without carrying your own camera around, getting blurry photos in haste and not getting to enjoy all the moments that mean so much?
Live birth photography is something I have been wanting to launch for awhile now and I am so happy to get to announce that its now an option for my clients. I take a 'fly on the wall' approach and watch the magic unfold as a new life enters your family. I capture the moment you first see that squirming little bundle, the weighing, the foot prints, the first time you feed him/her, first family photos, the first time big brother/sister gets to see the baby...all the moments you are living. You shouldn't have to miss out on the moments to take a photo and you shouldn't have to miss the photo either. You can have both. What an irreplaceable investment in your memories and your family.
Anyway, onto the sneak peek for the "B" Family! Lots more to come of this angel from her newborn session this week!