Well, my holiday break is officially over and I am thrilled to announce a new look to Jessica Cole Photography on the website as well as new pricing, packages and collections! Be sure to check out the information on my site (www.jessicacolephotography.com).
In other new housekeeping news, I am thrilled to announce that I am now doing wedding photography! Michelle and I will be lingering around bridal shows in February so keep an eye out for those two crazy blondes with stacks of business cards!
Michelle and I will be breaking ground on the studio in just a few weeks and will have a state of the art facility for your studio needs before you know it! We have been shopping, browsing, gathering ideas and so much more! Be sure to stay tuned for those new announcements as they come in as well...we are so thrilled about it!
I am so happy to see that my clients are sticking it out with me over the troublesome economic times this year...already I have newborn sessions and maternity sessions rolling in! I know that times can be hard for everyone right now and true professional photography is a luxury expense. That's why in 2009 I will have mini-sessions periodically throughout the year for special occasions and holidays. I am also glad to announce that there has been NO increase in my print prices from 2008 and your print credit has increased-- so, you get more bang for your buck this year!!! It's my belief that your memories are priceless and shouldn't have to be sacrificed to strip mall portraiture and bad customer service. I am here to serve you and will work to make your memories of 2009 last a lifetime.
I'm looking forward to a great year with great clients and some amazing photographs! Let's get creative everyone!!!
HAPPY 2009!